Call for Paper will be soon available , 14th World Congress on Design and Health will be held in Singapore on 29 Oct - 2 Nov 2025

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Sunken Plaza 10 - taken by Gary Tng
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Design & Health

Introducing the 13th World Congress 11-14 April 2024

Revitalizing Health by Salutogenic Design - Healthy Environment / Healthy People

The scientific programme for the 13th Design & Health World Congress & Exhibition in Milano

will explore the global application of salutogenic architecture.

Dear Esteemed Colleagues and Friends

Welcome to the vibrant city of Milan for the 13th World Congress on Design & Health (WCDH 2024), in partnership with Politecnico di Milano and with the collaboration of esteemed academic institutions and healthcare industries worldwide.


Over the next few days, you will witness an exciting scientific program. Prepare to engage with some of the world's most distinguished interdisciplinary scientists, embracing a transdisciplinary approach where architecture, psychology, and medicine converge. Research underscores the profound impact of architectural aesthetics on our mood, cognitive faculties, behavior, and overall well-being. Thus, the concept of salutogenic design emerges, addressing these critical needs. In this era of ecological sensitivity, architecture must embrace a new philosophy focusing on interconnectivity, community, and comprehensibility, shaping cities that optimize spatial experiences for societal growth and serenity.


Now, more than ever, the designed physical environment plays a critical role in population health and wellness. Recent studies underscore the significance of investing in spaces that promote psychological well-being and economic sustainability. At WCDH 2024, we'll explore into cutting-edge research utilizing neuroimaging tools to explore how beauty experiences impact various brain areas.


Our society faces pressing challenges, notably the cognitive struggles encountered by a significant portion of the elderly population. Yet, public-space design guidelines often overlook their needs, reflecting broader gaps in addressing dementia health and promoting healthy communities. Transitioning from a disease-centric healthcare model to one grounded in salutogenic science requires a paradigm shift, one that prioritizes the bio-psycho-social needs of individuals and communities within dynamic environments.


Inspired by the principles of Salutogenesis, members of the IADH network have integrated this approach into their work and lives. Recognizing the profound impact of lifestyle on health, we echo WHO's emphasis on health promotion as a means to empower individuals and improve public health through strategic environmental interventions.


Our scientific program kicks off with keynote presentations showcasing innovative research and practical insights into the intersection of design and health, emphasizing the role of health infrastructure in fostering well-being. WCDH 2024 offers a unique opportunity to engage with a global network of professionals spanning architecture, design, healthcare, public health, and more.


Prior to the congress, our pre-congress program introduces Academy M2, a groundbreaking initiative fostering mentor-mentee relationships to fostering emerging talent under the guidance of experienced professionals. Following the congress, our post-congress study tour offers insights into Milan's leading healthcare facilities and innovative built environments.


Join us for the Academy Awards Gala Dinner, where we celebrate groundbreaking projects in Design and Health, showcasing the ingenuity of our colleagues in advancing health promotion and shaping the future of European healthcare design.


We eagerly anticipate welcoming you to Milan, reconnecting with old friends, and making new connections. Let us come together at the welcome reception to celebrate the 13th World Congress and Exhibition on Design and Health, from April 11th to 14th, 2024, in the design city of Milan.


Prof Alan Dilani PhD Founder, International
Academy for Design & Health, Sweden

Prof Stefano Capolongo PhD Director of
the Department ABC Design & Health Lab,
Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Scientific Committee for Design and Health World Congress in Milano

You are invited to submit abstracts of 400 words in English. The abstract should clearly state the objectives, methods used, results and conclusions.